Paolo Grassi School of Dramatic Art – Reuse of an industrial building, Milan 1989

                                                              The project for the definitive home of the Civic Theater School maintains the industrial character of the old factory, rehabilitating the original volumes and enhancing their architectonic qualities and the circulation system. The demolition of the non-organic volumes revealed an interesting U-shaped 2-storey structure and some additions fronm the 1950’s, for example the raising of the right wing and the narrow building next to it. The fly space of the stage is a new volume, covered in tar-painted wood siding, which rises over the roof of the left wing. The interior, stripped and renovated (structure, mechanical and electrical equipment), is organized in three indipendent sectors: teaching, administrative and services. 

Committente: Stelline Servizi Immobiliari s.p.a.
Progetto: Antonio Zanuso e W. Pascoe
Strutture: Mario Carmana
Direzione lavori: Giovanni Del Curto
Impresa: Comedile s.r.l.

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© Antonio Zanuso