Former seat of the monastery of the benedictine nuns of
Saint Mary, the monumental complex assumed the role of
Public Institution. In 1578 Saint Carlo Borromeo founded a hospice which in
the following century became an orphanage. Beginning in the second half of the 1700’s, the
institution was reserved for young girls, called “stelline”
(little stars) from the name of the old monastery. The
succession of additions and transformations, with our
intervention, led to the integration of the preexistent
architectonic entities, bestowing the complex with a healthy
equilibrium between restoration and modernization.
The project substantially maintained the general image of
the building, preserving the fenestration and the design of
elements of the original architecture,
mainly from the 1800’s. The project
also accentuated
connective role
of the courtyards upon which all of
the functions gravitate (bank, foreign commerce institute,
EU commerce offices, bar-restaurant, art gallery “the
refectory”, French Cultural Center and ENI-Enrico Mattei
Foundation) intervening at a structure
as well as
on the
functional and decorative elements.
Client: Credito
Project: Antonio Zanuso
With: Carlo Chambry,
William Pascoe
Structures: Mario Carmana
Gardens: Giulio Crespi
Consultants: Piero Castiglioni (illuminazione),
Stefania Giannotti, Federica Zanuso
Job site supervision: Giovanni Del Curto
General contractor: Bertani & Baselli
Net floor area: 20.000 mq